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RadioPharmaceutical Therapy - Targeted RadioTherapy
27 June 2024

RadioPharmaceutical Therapy (RPT): a major advance in cancer treatment

RadioPharmaceutical Therapy (RPT) represents a significant advance in the fight against cancer. Although this innovative technique currently accounts for only a small proportion of cancer treatments, RPT offers new perspectives for treating malignant tumours by precisely targeting cancer cells while...
27 May 2024

Signe Reinholdt Sørensen

“If we compare with the automatic injector that we had before, the members of the medical team are now much less exposed to radiation. Indeed, in the past, we had to manually dilute all the doses of tracer received every...
Distribution partnership between Lemer Pax and ICU Medical for TheranojetARA
24 April 2024

Lemer Pax signs a partnership for distributing ICUMedical’s Plum 360™ pump for the french nuclear medicine market

On 1 January 2024, Lemer Pax, world leader in innovation in the field of radiation protection, and ICU Medical, world leader in infusion systems, infusion consumables and intensive care products, signed a partnership for distributing the Plum 360TM pump for...

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Alpha / Beta protection

Arranging a room and managing effluents

Low and medium energy

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