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16 July 2024

Pr. Vincent Lebon

“Thanks to this unique Lemer Pax equipment, the SHFJ is able to produce radiopharmaceuticals for medical research with a high degree of reliability. These radiopharmaceuticals are used to carry out molecular imaging clinical trials at the SHFJ, as well as...
27 February 2024

Better understanding, prediction and treatment of cancers and neurodegenerative diseases: the example of the Frédéric Joliot Hospital in Orsay

Better understanding, prediction and treatment of cancers and neurodegenerative diseases. This is the main mission of the CEA, Frédéric Joliot Hospital Department (SHFJ), through its pioneering nuclear medicine department and its BioMaps (Multimodal Biomedical Imaging Paris-Saclay), located within the Orsay...
26 August 2023

Lemer Pax launches OSIRIS, its Lean management transformation with EliteOrga

In a context of major growth for the company, particularly in a field of activity requiring a large dose of rigour and organization, Lemer Pax decided in 2019 to start, with EliteOrga, a major organizational transformation project. These important developments,...
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