2 questions à Marc Glodkowski, Délégué régional INPI

2 questions to Marc Glodkowski, INPI Regional Delegate

Following the award of the Grand Prix Siemens de l’Innovation and the Prix Oséo Excellence in 2011, Ms Fleur Pellerin presented Lemer Pax with the INPI Innovation Trophy on Tuesday 22nd January. This is the first time an industrial SME from the Pays de la Loire Region has been awarded this prize making it a historic occasion for the company as well as for its partners and customers.

Which were the elements that allowed Lemer Pax to win the Innovation Trophy?

Marc Glodkowski (INPI Regional Delegate): The single most important element of this choice is, unquestionably, innovation. 66 patents filed in four years, each in the service of a winning industrial policy – for an SME, it really is out of the ordinary! Export results prove the efficacy of this approach, demonstrating that the patent is part and parcel of the Lemer Pax industrial policy. As a passport to export, the patent is an excellent formula – and one which in this instance, is far from stale.

So has the export effort also been rewarded?

Marc Glodkowski:  Export – yes, but in correlation with the company’s strong territory-based presence. An SME which provides work for around a hundred subcontractors, within a single labour pool – for us, this is symbolic of a fairly surprising joint success. In explaining this victory, I would add to this partnership the environmental aspect that is so aptly expressed in the company strapline: “Innovate together to protect life”.